This is the beta release of the new service. Please let us know if you find any problems. Send your help requests here: Contact us
Personal Information

Zied Abbassi


  • 4, rue elhajeb abdelwahab, Cité Ennasr 2037 Ariana (Tunisia)


Work Experiences
01/09/2011 - Present

Developpement engineer

SAGEMCOM Software and Technologie

Network terminal and home gateway

Application support TR69 :
- Analysis of customer's requirements in accordance with broadband standard
- Design software solution in agreement with the software architect.
- Writing software design document, and functionals tests scenarios.
- Software solution implementation, and unitary test report.
- Followed customer's complaints to ensure optimum reactivity.
- Provide application support for other development teams.

18/10/2010 - 30/09/2011

Set Top Box developpement engineer

SAGEMCOM Software and Technologie

Set Top Box and Video decoder

Development and maintenance of set top box drivers

01/04/2010 - 30/09/2010

Developpement engineer


Automobile embedded system

Design and implementation of hardware pilote, for XE167 infineon shipset. Those pilotes were integrated into firmware for automobile calculator.

01/09/2008 - 31/05/2010

Test engineer

Telnet Technologie

Automobile embedded system

Design and developpement of tests scenatio for automobile calculator.

Education and Training
15/09/2005 - 17/06/2008

Engineering Degree

National School of Engineer of Tunis

Electrical and electronic engineering degree

Personal Skills
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
  • English
  • French
Technical skills and competences
C/C++ language
Additional information

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